Management and AI-Enhanced Sales

Elevate Your Business

We’ll find inefficiencies to increase revenue and grow sales without the need for more team members.

Automate and organize your sales processes

Set up efficient systems within your business with automations. Book appointments directly into your CRM with everything organized and tracked effectively.

Lead generation

Achieve a higher ROI when you only pay for results—no upfront cash flow required. Reduce the cost per acquisition. 

Utlilize AI tools

There’s no need to waste time on quick initial phone calls that are determining a potential client’s interest. AI can do this before you hand the prospect to a sales team member.

Data formating
Intelligent optimizations
Data formating

Management Consulting

  • Business process mapping
  • Targeting training
  • Streamline inefficiencies to save and grow 

Sales Consulting

  • Grow your sales arm
  • Boost revenue
  • Organize systems with AI and automation

Lead Generation & Call Center Development

  • No-upfront cost for leads
  • A call center with a blend of human and AI interaction
  • Streamlined customer experiences
Work With Us

Optimize your sales operations

With over a decade of experience in sales management, call center development, training, marketing, and software development, our team is a hub of knowledge. Consider us the A-Team of sales operations.


Approach to Payment

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Work With

The all-in-one pack strategy platform for creators

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Pricing Plans

Premium plan

32 $
Premium support for 1 month
Regular updates for 1 month
On demand widget loading
Unlimited local server
Comprehensive Knowledge
Step-by-step video tutorials
*We’re hiring self-motivated people to join us.

Premium plan

374 $
Premium support for 1 year
Regular updates for 1 year
On demand widget loading
Unlimited local server
Comprehensive Knowledge
Step-by-step video tutorials
*We’re hiring self-motivated people to join us.

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Edvard Lund , CEO at Becca


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Dolores Smith , 3D Artist at Becca


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Mark Jhonson , CEO Green meadow


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